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How can MANCO.PARIS afford me to answer RFPs?

How can MANCO.PARIS afford me to answer RFPs? Veuillez activer JavaScript dans votre navigateur pour remplir ce formulaire.You *PrénomNomContact *Send Your contact Jérôme Glodas +33 (0)1 88 40 45 74...

Delphine Le Fessant[EN]

Delphine Le Fessant 26 years of experience.Coordination, control and team management.PRAM & AMF certificationsMaster’s degree in Banking, Finance & Insurance Loves to transform seeds into fruit trees +33 (0)7 68 27 97 75 +33 (0)1...

Jérôme Coirier [EN]

Jérôme Coirier A 25-years long experience. Business structuring and coaching. Jérôme is above all an entrepreneur!He enjoys creating, structuring, and organizing. What he hates: stand idly by! +33 (0)6 25 25 75 81 +33 (0)1 88 40 45 76...

Thomas Bertrand​ [EN]

Thomas Bertrand A 10-years long experience in controle and compliance Thomas like challenges, his is a sportif +33 (0)7 66 66 28 91 +33 (0)1 88 40 45 71...