We are an authorized Management Company (ManCo) offering third party risk,
governance, and oversight services to client fund managers.

Legal Mentions information

MANCO.PARIS edits this website, represented by Jérôme Coirier, a Simplified Joint-stock company (SAS) with a capital amount of 712 504 euros, RCS Paris (French Trade Court) with registration number 889423612.

  • Publication director: Jérôme Coirier
  • Mail address: compliance@manco.paris
  • Phone Number: +33 (0)1 88 40 45 74
  • Web Hosting: OVH, 2 rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix / 1007


Our data protection privacy policy


General statements
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on May the 25th of 2018. Every company is required to comply with this European ruling guaranteeing that concerned people have their rights respected. The previous system, based on the control of the National Commission for Information Science and Liberties based on a declaratory system via prior declarations (Loi Informatique et libertés of 1978), is from now on erased. It is now about a logic of empowerment based on risks. Companies must verify that any concerned person is aware of the information collected, of its use, conservation, and of the possibility of modifying it, if necessary, deleting it.
This compliance measure implies carrying out mapping of all the documents with personal data, be it internal (employees for example) or external (clients, providers…), to secure the data and to testify about it at any moment. The company will need to have its data processing policy accepted by all those involved.

Regulatory Framework
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, then repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

The following data processing policy aims to explain and establish the applicable framework for all personal data held by MANCO.PARIS. It distinguishes the internal data processing (especially employees) from the external one (clients, providers…). MANCO.PARIS initiated its GDPR compliance:

  • With the nomination of a manager of personal data processing and monitoring: the designated person is Jérôme COIRIER – You can reach him here: dpo@manco.paris
  • The company created a register listing all the data collected and the reason for the collection.
  • MANCO.PARIS keeps informed website users on both data and cookies processing policies available on the website.
  • The user gets informed on the modalities of the data processing.
  • MANCO.PARIS informs its clients and service providers of the general policy on data processing.

Data collection
Collected data are data related to identification (name, first name, address, phone number, e-mail, company), professional, economic, or financial situation (position in the company, client’s categorization…). The customer knows about his rights during the collection and throughout the contract.

Use of data
MANCO.PARIS only collects your data in the context of your requests for information and our commercial exchanges. This data is used exclusively by MANCO.PARIS to inform you about its activities.

Data register update
The company implemented a register under the direction of the person in charge of data monitoring and processing. This register classifies and lists all personal data collected by the company.

Exercising your rights (right to information, to be forgotten, to be rectified).
According to the new regulation, your rights are as follows:

  • The right to access your data.
  • The right to rectification, or erasure of data,
  • The right to limit the processing of your data,
  • The right to oppose yourself against its processing (except when it is necessary to respect one of our legal and regulatory duties),
  • The right to portability of such data,
  • The right to fill a complaint to the CNIL.

MANCO.PARIS broadcasts information on your rights via:

  • The update of its website on data processing.

Data retention period
MANCO.PARIS cannot retain personal data for more than a certain amount of time. Your data will be stored throughout the contractual relationship and erased three years after the last exchange in the event of a lack of commercial discussions.
Yet, MANCO.PARIS might retain your data a bit longer :

  • To meet a legal, regulatory, fiscal, or accounting requirement (10 years)
  • To keep records during the applicable limitation period (5 years)

Contact us
You can address any complaint concerning personal data processing by contacting the person in charge of data processing and monitoring to the following address: dpo@manco.paris or by letter to the following address: MANCO.PARIS; 7 rue Roy, 75008 PARIS.
You can fill in France a complaint to the CNIL if you are dissatisfied with the processing of your personal data, and send it to the following address: Service des plaintes, 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715-75334 Paris Cedex 7- +33 (0)1 53 73 22 22 – www.cnil.fr/fr/plaintes